Bill Herring Receives the 2019 Carnes Award

Bill Herring and Patrick Carnes

As I have previously written in 2019 I was fortunate and grateful to receive the prestigious "Carnes Award" from the Society for the Advancement of Sexual Health (SASH). Here is a photo of that day with me standing with Dr. Patrick Carnes himself just after he handed me the award.  A professional career highlight for me.

Dr. Carnes has written many books on sex addiction over the past 30+ years, and is generally regarded as the first person to lay out a system for addressing sex addiction. He's been hugely influential to many people, including myself, and I am honored to have known him for years. It's a gerat testament to the man that the fact that I don't utilize a lot of the so-called "Carnes method" with my clients did not diminish the respect and affection he displayed on this very special day for me.

The engraving on the award itself is also very meaningful to me: "For His Pioneering Work in the Treatment of Problematic Sexual Behaviors".

Wow. I honesty feel like I could retire now and know that I have added something of abiding value to this field of human need that will outlast me....... but I'll be practicing here in Atlanta for a few more years.

Come and see me if you think I could help you.


Bill Herring is an Atlanta counselor and psychotherapist who has been in private practice for almost 30 years.  He specializes in helping people who are struggling with problematic aspects of their sexual behavior achieve greater integrity, self-esteem, self-control and peace in their lives.